18. august 2015

Sommergleder fra fjellet

View uphill from the cottage, nearly 1000 meters from sea level

Tid for hyttetannpuss utenfor døren - ble avbrutt av en serie med regnbuebilder
View downhill. A wonderful light Nordic summer sky scenery with a rainbow over the mountain,
while we were doing our cottage-trip-outdoor-tooth-brushing, 

Jeg løp ut på jakt - og fant begge ender av regnbuen!
View in another direction. I hunted for the end of several rainbows - and found both ends on this one, very close in the mountain area!

Sauflokk og krølleskyer i ett og samme bilde - fotografen ble svært så ivrig til å ta en serie med bilder. Den lyseblå refleksen ble litt artig da....
View uphill behind the cottage,lots of sheeps visiting in the evening - one may predict the weather from their direction of wandering about

Herlige sommerdager i fjellet
går straks over til høst...

Light summer evenings already turn to dark autumn...

Above are a few of my photos after a couple of vacation weeks this summer.
We were in one of the central Norwegian mountain areas,
close to 1000 meters above sea level.
In close surroundings is one of the
olympic cross country ski tracks from -94.
There were snow on mountain tops within some distance,
local rainbows and rain showers every now and then.

During wintertime, the year 1206 a little boy was supposedly brought
across this same local mountain area, as in these pictures, 
carried by a couple of brave and strong men, supporters to the political party of 'Birkebeinere'.
The little boy was Håkon Håkonssonheir to the Norwegian throne,
who was to be saved from men belonging to other conflicting political parties 
during those medieval war times, 
to protect him until his position was safe and blessed at Nidaros. 

I look forward to see the projected movie about this medieval circumstances.
The Norwegian author Torill Thorstad Hauger wrote a youth book about this,
'Sagaen om Håkon og Kristin' (1993), I will recomand this and her authorship.
These days another youth book is projected about this history,
although it has been presented as being made on the background of the film.

Bergsliens maleri «Birkebeinerne» fra 1869,
viser birkebeinerne som frakter kongssønnen til Nidaros.
Bildet er stort og kan sees i Frognerseterrestauranten ved Holmenkollen.
Depiction of Birkebeiner skiers carrying the young Prince Haakon
to safety during the winter of 1206 
has become a national Norwegian icon. 
The prince grew up to be King Haakon IV 
whose reign marked the end 
of the period known as the Civil war era in Norway
Dette innlegget deles med deg &:
I share with YOU and those at:
Our World Tuesday
Outdoor Wednesday
Sky Watch Friday
Floral Friday
Saturday show off

4. august 2015

Sommerlige skatter uten batteri- eller strømforbruk

Sjarmerende sommergleder uten strøm- eller batteribruk
Litt forvokst gressplen med rødkløver kan eventuelt brukes slik, også.


Beautiful, decorative and charming results
from a couple of non digigital minutes 
without using computers, cell phones, batteries or electricity!
This is the proof -
made by my pre-teenager  
(the very charming model and craftsman) 
earlier this summer 

I share with: