Japansk viftelønn har nettopp foldet seg ut - fortsatt gnistrende lyserøde |
Litt av et syn - mellom lyst og farverikt bladverk og høy blå 17.mai-himmel med fine kritthvite skyer... |
Gamle fly - dobbeltdekkere - tok et par svingom like over! |
De gamle dobbeltdekkerne tok seg virkelig flott ut, der de luftet vingene høyt i det blå på årets historiske 17.mai |
I disse midt-i-mai-dager blomstrer de første rhododendronbuskene |
Viftelønn nær hverandre springer ut i ulikt tempo - samme have og varierende mikroklima |
Søt og hyggelig besøksvenn - på en meget unik jubileums&korona-17.mai, med korpsspill uten barnetog og tilskuere |
Celebrating the Norwegian National Constitution day, May 17th
this year became a very different, silent and historic experience
during a corona regulated period.
Not since WW2, the Norwegians have been stopped from celebrating the national day.
This year 2020 was a historic event - being 75 years after WW2.
By a coincidence, this year too, Norwegians were recommended to stay at home,
rather than celebrating with and among crowds. This also meant
not having the usual occasion to show off their new investments -
beautiful and traditional national costumes, outdoors.
Not even a children's parade with everyone dressed up, singing, waving national flags -
along with their march-playing, local, school music band.
Instead, the band could only have secret and surprising ad-hoc mini concerts
almost without viewers.. Maybe some could hear a few sounds of a traditional National day..
Among nice surprises was seeing this double set of old biplanes circling high above